Here is a collection of some of the best Jewish blogs around with blog posts and videos that, if they weren’t free, would be worth paying for. In no particular order…
Machon Meir in English

Machon Meir is a famous Israeli learning center that is welcoming of people with all levels of knowledge. A number of great Torah classes are available here in English about all types of subjects, however, one truly unique thing about Machon Meir’s website is that it makes the teachings of Rav Kook accessible for anyone, for free, from anywhere in the world, in English. Also available in French, Spanish, Russian, and, of course, Hebrew.
HaLavi – The Association for the Bani Israel from Afghanistan
The Association for the Bani Israel from Afghanistan is working to unite the 12 tribes of Israel once again. Their HaLavi website serves as an incredible resource for anyone interested in the ancient connection shared by Jews and the Pashtun Tribes from Afghanistan.
Members shared with us that the organization is soon going to be collaborating with the Amishav organization which has been well known for it’s activism in uniting the Tribes of Israel for over 40 years.
Vision Magazine

The Vision Magazine is connected to the Vision Movement — which runs programs such as the ETGAR Student Leadership Program, the ATID Online Leadership Program, Engagement Trips in Israel, DOREINU Post-College Programs, and a number of other initiatives including programs on North American campuses — has a unique and refreshing approach to the challenging issues currently confronting the State of Israel and broader Jewish world. It is both unapologetically Jewish, and, on the other hand, surprisingly understanding of narratives that many Jewish organizations struggle to confront.
The Vision Movement focuses on empowering young leaders to identify and achieve the next goals of Jewish liberation. The magazine itself is a platform for thinkers and organizers to share ideas, experiences, analyses, photographs, poems, videos, and other expressions of personal creativity in an openly accessible forum.
Rav Aviner in English
This is another website that makes Israeli Torah teachings available to English-speaking audiences, which would otherwise be almost inaccessible.
According to the translators, “The blog aims to enrich the spiritual life of the English-speaking world through the Torah of Rabbi Shlomo Aviner, Nasi of the Ateret Yerushalayim yeshiva in the heart of the Old City of Jerusalem. Rabbi Aviner was one of the leading students of Ha-Rav Tzvi Yehudah Ha-Cohain Kook. By offering English translations of Rav Aviner’s written and oral Torah, this division of the yeshiva aims to expose English speakers to a powerful, sensitive and poetic voice that is, to say the least, extraordinarily unique in our time. Rabbi Aviner’s unfailing optimism, his tolerance and love all Jews, his guidance for harmony within the Jewish family and his dedication to Eretz Yisrael, the State of Israel and Tzahal will inspire and enrich the lives of all who may now have access to his words.”
Mizrachi movement’s blog
During the COVID-19 pandemic, Mizrachi has been offering high-quality online content to tens of thousands of households, upholding the vital connection between Jews and Israel while providing inspiration and educational resources to communal leaders.
With the growth in demand for virtual content, Mizrachi built an interactive online platform – – providing special programming for Jewish holidays and regular educational content.
Broadcasting online to communities and homes across the world, MizrachiTV provides access to leading educators, engaging content and facilitates deeper connections to Israel.
Accidental Talmudist
Accidental Talmudist’s mission is to share authentic Jewish content that is uplifting and relevant to all. Run by husband-and-wife team Sal and Nina Litvak, AT produces a wide variety of original online programming including articles, live shows, holiday specials, Torah study, concerts, podcast and Sal’s popular Talmud class AT Daily, streaming live on Facebook and YouTube.
Lazer Beams
“Lazer Beams” is the blog and podcast of the world’s only Orthodox rabbi and spiritual guide who is also a certified health coach, fitness trainer, and nutritionist, Rabbi Lazer Brody, who provides practical tools for attaining optimum health and harmony of body and soul.
Kotzk Blog
Kotzk Blog is predicated upon an honest search for answers within an Orthodox framework. Judaism is so much deeper and more profound than the way it is perceived by the masses and bent by religious popularism. These essays are not about Kotzk but are instead inspired by the Kotzker Rebbe’s uncompromising teaching about the importance of intellectual independence and the search for truth. presents a collection of teachings of Rav Kook on a wide variety of topics, such as encouragement, poetry and beauty, teshuvah (repentance), imagination, faith, prayer, spiritual thirst, joy, love and fear of God, sexuality, spirituality and physicality, good and evil, redemption, universalism, the Jewish people, the Land of Israel, and more.
The site’s founder, Rabbi Yaacov David Shulman, let us know that in the coming year, he hopes to add material from Rav Kook’s journals, his Shemonah Kevatzim. We wish him much success in his endeavors. takes the timely and timeless teachings of Rav Kook and makes them available to the English-speaking public. This is another great source of Torat Eretz Yisrael (Torah of the Land of Israel) that can be so hard to come by in English. There are posts about Parsha, Tehilim, Stories, Holidays, and Prayer. The site’s founder, Rabbi Chanan Morrison, has published many books based on the teachings of Rav Kook and also kindly let us know that he has a goal to write an article on every chapter of Tehillim. We wish him much success!
Israel Rising
Israel Rising provides a deeper look at modern events with a strong emphasis on seeing within them the redemptive process. The founder of Israel Rising, David Mark, heads up outreach for Ateret Cohanim in Jerusalem’s Old City and acts as the Managing Director for Pulse of Israel while also teaching classes that blend minimalism, mindfulness, and ecology with the teachings of Rebbe Nachman of Breslov.
Kosher Frugal is an eclectic blog about living in Israel frugally. We’ll keep you in the loop with great sales and deals, updates about financial topics and assistance, and even menu ideas and recipes that focus on cooking with what’s in-season in Israel. Written by a veteran olah who is always happy to make a new friend! Looking forward to seeing you there!
Temple Mount Sifting
The Temple Mount Sifting Project rescues archaeological artifacts from soil illegally excavated from the Temple Mount in 1999 and dumped in the nearby Kidron Valley. Over the years, more than 200,000 volunteers have taken part in this project, which is the nearest archaeologists can get to researching the archaeological treasures buried in the Temple Mount. Visit the project’s blog to see important artifacts unearthed in the project and receive updates on recent finds.
Which of the above-listed websites did you discover for the first time just now?